Unlocking the Beauty of Montenegrin: Embrace Language Learning at Montenegrin Learning Center –MLC

Welcome to the enchanting world of Montenegro, where the Adriatic Sea meets picturesque landscapes, and the rich cultural tapestry weaves a story of its own. At Montenegrin Learning Center-MLC, we believe in not just learning a language but immersing yourself in the vibrant Montenegrin experience. In this article, we’ll explore the unique aspects of Montenegrin […]

Do you Want to Learn Montenegrin Language?

Montenegrin is a South Slavic language that shares similarities with Serbian, Croatian, and Bosnian. Learning Montenegrin can be a challenging but rewarding experience. In this article, we will discuss some tips on how to learn Montenegrin and how we teach it at Montenegrin Learning Center – MLC. The Montenegrin Learning Center offers a range of […]

How difficult it is to learn a new language?

Learning a new language can be challenging, but it can also be a rewarding experience. The difficulties in learning a language can vary depending on the individual and the language being learned. However, some common challenges include grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary, and language fluency. Here are some tips on how to overcome these difficulties: In conclusion, […]

Present tense exercises

I Put the verbs in brackets into the present tense 1. Marko ________ (ići) u školu. 2. Ponekad ________ (koristiti) rečnik. 5. Ti ________ (živjeti) blizu Marije. 6. On ________ (voljeti) rep muziku. 7. Ona ________ (raditi) domaći zadatak prije večere. 8. U srijedu popodne ______________ (igrati, mi) tenis u školi. 9. Uveče ________________ (gledati, […]

List of verbs taken from English

Some verbs we took from English and adapted to our language by adding some typical endings: angažovati  – to engage atakovati – to attack  bombardovati – to bomb debatovati – to debate demantovati – to deny (to confute) diskreditovati – to discredit formalizovati  -to formalize  garantovati – to guarantee interesovati – to be interested in […]

Genitive singular and plural (exceptions)

Masculine Feminine Neuter Singular -og/eg*  (adj.)   -a (n.) -e     -e -og/eg*  -a Plural -ih                -a -ih    -a -ih   -a Note that masculine and neuter adjectives whose stem ends in đ, j, lj, nj, ć, č, š, dž and ž tahe grammatical endings with -e instead of -o. Basic rules: Numbers 2,3, 4 take genitive singular. […]