Genitive singular and plural (exceptions)

Masculine Feminine Neuter Singular -og/eg*  (adj.)   -a (n.) -e     -e -og/eg*  -a Plural -ih                -a -ih    -a -ih   -a Note that masculine and neuter adjectives whose stem ends in đ, j, lj, nj, ć, č, š, dž and ž tahe grammatical endings with -e instead of -o. Basic rules: Numbers 2,3, 4 take genitive singular. […]

Fleeting A (nepostojano A)

The so-called “fleeting A” or “movable A” refers to the phonetic alternation in which short a makes an appearance and loss in certain inflected forms of nouns. Historically, Montenegrin did not tolerate any final consonantal clusters except st, zd, št, žd, šć, žđ, šč, and dž, as they were often difficult to pronounce in the […]


    Nastavi rečenicu, kao u primjeru:   Oh!______________________________________________ Oh! Kako vam lijepo stoji  taj šešir. Oh! Pa nije trebalo… Hvala vam puno. Oh! Mnogo je dosadan. ______________________________________________________________   Ah! __________________________________________________________________ Uh! __________________________________________________________________ O bože! ________________________________________________________________ Dođavola! _______________________________________________________________ Šta?! __________________________________________________________________ Jao! _________________________________________________________________ Joj! ____________________________________________________________________ Hej! ___________________________________________________________________ Dosta!  _________________________________________________________________ Aman! _________________________________________________________________ Blago tebi! ______________________________________________________________ Odlično! _______________________________________________________________ […]