Present tense exercises

I Put the verbs in brackets into the present tense 1. Marko ________ (ići) u školu. 2. Ponekad ________ (koristiti) rečnik. 5. Ti ________ (živjeti) blizu Marije. 6. On ________ (voljeti) rep muziku. 7. Ona ________ (raditi) domaći zadatak prije večere. 8. U srijedu popodne ______________ (igrati, mi) tenis u školi. 9. Uveče ________________ (gledati, […]


Shows an action that happened after some other past action (at a specific point in the past) or an action that happened right before the moment of speaking. Evo ga, stiže. Here he is, he has arrived. It is usually made of perfective verbs, by cutting infinitive ending – ti and adding the following endings: […]