Locative case practice

 u – in Spavam u_________ (krevet). – I sleep in a bed Živiš _____________ (Zagreb). – You live in Zagreb. Rade u____________ (pošta). – They work in a post-office.  na – on, at Jabuka je na _____________(ormar). – An apple is on the cupboard. Mačka spava na _____________(krevet). – A cat is sleeping on the bed. Sjedim na ___________________(kauč). – I’m sitting on a sofa.  o – about Razgovaramo o_____________(ljeto). – We’re […]

Time expressions

Juče – Yesterday Danas – Today Sjutra – Tomorrow Noćas (Večeras) – Tonight Sinoć – Last night Ujutro – In the morning Popodne – In the afternoon Uveče – In the evening U podne – At noon U ponoć – At midnight U zoru – At dawn Prije dva dana – Two days ago U […]

List of words made of ‘ jedan’

Jedinica  – unit, unit of measurement, single child (girl) Jedinac – single child (boy) Jedinjenje – compound Jedini – only jedinstvo – unity Jedinstven – unique  Jednako – equally  Jednakost – equallity Ujediniti – to unite Sjediniti – to unite Jednostavnost  – simplicity  Jednostavno – simple Jednačina – equation Jednom – once Jedan put – […]

Locative case singular exercises

I Fill in the gaps with the appropriate form of the words in brackets. Živimo u _________________ (kuća) Taj spomenik je na _____________ (Zlatibor) Djeca su na _________________ (ulica) Želim da putujem po ________________ (Amerika) Lijepo mi je u ______________(grad). Dječak sjedi na __________________(krov). Idem na more u _______________________(avgust). Marko je u ___________________________ (London). Djeca se igraju u ______________________ (šuma). Mi […]

Present tense exercises

I Put the verbs in brackets into the present tense 1. Marko ________ (ići) u školu. 2. Ponekad ________ (koristiti) rečnik. 5. Ti ________ (živjeti) blizu Marije. 6. On ________ (voljeti) rep muziku. 7. Ona ________ (raditi) domaći zadatak prije večere. 8. U srijedu popodne ______________ (igrati, mi) tenis u školi. 9. Uveče ________________ (gledati, […]


Shows an action that happened after some other past action (at a specific point in the past) or an action that happened right before the moment of speaking. Evo ga, stiže. Here he is, he has arrived. It is usually made of perfective verbs, by cutting infinitive ending – ti and adding the following endings: […]