Pluralia tantum

The nouns that have only plural form are called pluralia tantum. Most of these nouns are made of two parts which make the whole. They require verbs and adjectives in plural.  They are either feminine or neuter gender, but used in plural. Some of them are: makaze, vrata, djeca, jasle, pantalone, farmerice, naočare, novine, merdevine (stube), […]

Proverbs – part 2

P 1.Ide kao alva.                                 To sell very fast 2. Ko o čemu, baba o uštipcima.  To harp forever on the same string 3. Ni po babu, ni po stričevima.      Without fear or favor 4. Nekad bilo, sad se pripoveda.     It’s only a memory now. 5. Bolje ikad, nego nikad.                 Better late than never. 6. Obećavati […]