Modalni glagoli (modal verbs)

  Exercises: Fill in the correct forms of the modal verbs: Da li i vi (moći) _____________________ da idete u bioskop? On (htjeti) _________________________ da živi u malom gradu. Da li (ona – smjeti) ___________________ da radi tako nešto? Da li vi (morati) _____________________ da živite na Dorćolu? Da li oni (htjeti) ______________________ da rade […]

Modalni glagoli (modal verbs)

  In Montenegrin language there aren’t as many modal verbs as in English. Generally, we can say that there are four modal verbs: moći, morati, smjeti and htjeti.               MOĆI Verb moći  (can, be able to) doesn’t follow regular conjugation patterns and must be memorized: Ja mogu                       mi možemo […]