Pronouns – zamjenice

  Just as nouns and adjectives change in different cases, so do personal pronouns. In Montenegrin they have a short and a long form. The long form is used: *for emphasis * after a preposition *in the initial position in a sentence.   The short form is far more prevelient in everyday speech. Personal pronouns […]

Postavljanje pitanja (Making questions)

Practice 1 Make questions for the following statements (the underlined parts) using approproate interrogative words: kakav, gdje, ko, kada, koji, čiji, šta and kako, as shown in the model: Model: Živjeću u centru grada. Gdje ćete živjeti. Mi radimo u ambasadi. _______________________________________________________ Vi ćete raditi mnogo. _________________________________________________________ Oni će ići kod doktora u 9. _____________________________________________________ […]

Shopping – kupovina

  Dijalog 1   -Gospođice!                                                                Miss! -Da, šta želite?                                                       Yes! What do you want? -Molim vas, dajte mi malo sira?                       Please, give me some cheese. -Koje parče želite?   Ovo?                                Which one do you want? This one? -Da, molim Vas, to parče. Koliko košta?    Yes, please, that piece. How much is that? -Tri i po eura.                                                      […]

Useful expressions

  Ne razumijem.  I don’t understand. Molim te/ Molim Vas.     Please Možete li da ponovite?      Can you repeat, please? Izvinite!    Excuse me. Nije moguće!   It is not possible. Slažem se! I agree. Baš lijepo što ste ovdje!     It is so nice that you are here. Kako si/ ste?       How are you? Dobro!     I am well. […]

Glagol “biti”, zamjenice (Verb “to be”, pronouns)

Practise: Answer the following questions using the form of the verb to be. Model: Da li ste Vi gospođa Ristić? Da, ja sam gospođa Ristić.   Da li je on američki diplomata?_________________________________________ Da li je ona nova sekretarica?   _________________________________________ Da li sam ja u Američkoj ambasadi?_____________________________________ Da li su gospodin i gospođa Popović ovdje?_______________________________ […]

Verbal adverbs  – glagolski prilozi

They are common in literature and other written works, while in spoken language simple present or past tense constructions are usually used instead.   The present verbal adverb (glagolski prilog sadašnji) shows the cation that is happening  at the same time as some other action. It is formed by adding the ending -ći to the third-person plural […]

Perfekat (past tense)

Put the following sentences into the past tense and in their negative forms: Ja, Dragan, gledam kroz prozor. Ja  kroz prozor. Ne, ja  kroz prozor. Marina, ti čitaš knjigu. Marina, ti  knjigu. Ne, Marina, ti  knjigu. Maja ide na trening. Maja  na trening. Ne, Maja  na trening. Novinari pišu članak za novine. Novinari  članak za novine. Ne, novinari  članak za novine. Vi volite da pravite kolače. Vi  da pravite kolače. Ne, vi  da pravite kolače. […]

The present tense

  There are two stems in Montenegrin language: present and infinitive, and all verbal forms are formed from one or the other. The present stem is formed by dropping the personal suffix from the 1st p. sg. of the present tense. Personal suffixes for the present tense are sg. pl. 1st p. -m/-u -mo 2nd […]

Brojevi + genitiv (Numbers + genitive case)

Write out the following cardinal numbers and use the appropriate form of the noun. Example: 15 petnaest                                 knjiga   petanest knjiga   9  stan ___________________________________________ 1 frižider _________________________________________ 11 jabuka ________________________________________ 4 paket __________________________________________ 25 račun__________________________________________ 22 strana _________________________________________ 34 pijaca __________________________________________ 30 sok ____________________________________________ 51 lift ____________________________________________ 100 ključ __________________________________________   Convert the above numbers […]

Numerals – brojevi

  Cardinal numbers The Montenegrin word for number is broj. In compound numbers the conjuction i (and) may be omitted. 0 nula                                                                                    22 dvadedeset (i) dva 1 jedan                                                                                  30 trideset 2 dva                                                                                            40 četrdeset 3 tri                                                                                                50 pedeset 4 četiri                                                                                          60 šezdeset 5 pet                                                                                             70 sedamdeset 6 šest                                                                                            80 osamdeset […]

Comparison of adjectives

Adjectives can generally be : – positive – expressing the presence of some characteristic, – comparative – expressing the more intensive presence of some characteristic, – superlative – expressing the maximized presence of some characteristic. Comparative In Montenegrin language the comparative form of adjectives is formed by adding there types of suffixes to a positive […]

Akuzativ (Accusative)

I put the nouns in brackets in accusative form. Gospođa Ristić ima………………………………… (poruka) Gospodin Popović ima……………………………………. (kancelarija) Mi imamo ……………………………………………………. (lijep namještaj) Oni imaju………………………………………………………(dobar rječnik) Beograd ima ………………………………………………… (lijepo pozorište) Gospođa Ristić ima………………………………………… (pero i knjiga) Mi imamo …………………………………………………….. (stona lampa i sto) Da li oni imaju …………………………………………………( korpa za smeće)? Gospođa Popović ima ……………………………………… […]