Useful phrases for beginners

  Dobro jutro – Good morning Dobar dan – good afternoon Dobro veče – good evening Laku noć – good night Doviđenja – good bye (formal) Prijatno – good bye (informal),  also: bon apetit Zdravo – Hello and good bye Ćao – Hello and good bye (informal) Hvala – Thank you Nema na čemu – […]

Modalni glagoli (modal verbs)

  Exercises: Fill in the correct forms of the modal verbs: Da li i vi (moći) _____________________ da idete u bioskop? On (htjeti) _________________________ da živi u malom gradu. Da li (ona – smjeti) ___________________ da radi tako nešto? Da li vi (morati) _____________________ da živite na Dorćolu? Da li oni (htjeti) ______________________ da rade […]

Modalni glagoli (modal verbs)

  In Montenegrin language there aren’t as many modal verbs as in English. Generally, we can say that there are four modal verbs: moći, morati, smjeti and htjeti.               MOĆI Verb moći  (can, be able to) doesn’t follow regular conjugation patterns and must be memorized: Ja mogu                       mi možemo […]

Past tense (perfekat)

I fill in the correct forms of the past tense of the verbs given in parentheses: Da li ___________________ (vi, putovati) nekada tamo? On (biti) ________________ kod ljekara juče. Da li je i ona___________________(vidjeti) ljekara? Oni ____________________(željeti) da idu u posjetu? On ____________________ (posjetiti) taj grad prošle godine. Taj gospodin _____________ (tražiti) _______________ da radi […]


    Nastavi rečenicu, kao u primjeru:   Oh!______________________________________________ Oh! Kako vam lijepo stoji  taj šešir. Oh! Pa nije trebalo… Hvala vam puno. Oh! Mnogo je dosadan. ______________________________________________________________   Ah! __________________________________________________________________ Uh! __________________________________________________________________ O bože! ________________________________________________________________ Dođavola! _______________________________________________________________ Šta?! __________________________________________________________________ Jao! _________________________________________________________________ Joj! ____________________________________________________________________ Hej! ___________________________________________________________________ Dosta!  _________________________________________________________________ Aman! _________________________________________________________________ Blago tebi! ______________________________________________________________ Odlično! _______________________________________________________________ […]

Perfekat (past tense)

Unesi tačan oblik glagola u prošlom vremenu, pa rečenice napiši u upitnom i odričnom obliku. Marija i Dejan _________(biti) u ovom kafiću prošle sedmice. Mi _______(htjeti) da napravimo novi razmještaj u kući, ali _______(doći) gosti. Vi _________(zakasniti), to _______(biti) veliki problem za organizatore. Sara _________(saznati) lošu vijest. Juče __________(upoznati) vašeg prijatelja, on nas ________(pozvati) na […]

Na pijaci – at the green market

  I Koliko koštaju jabuke? – How much are the apples? 1 euro kilogram.              – 1 euro per kilogram. Dajte mi dva kilograma. – Give me two kilograms.                                                – Here you are. – Thank you.     II -Izvinite, koliko košta kilogram pomorandži?   – Excuse me, how much is […]

Medical expressions

  Verb to hurt in Montenegrin is boljeti. Just as in English, the body part that is painful is the subject of the sentence. Accordingly, if it is one body part that is hurting, the verb will be in the third person singular, and if more than one part is involved, the verb will be […]