Common verbs in newspapers :)

  angažovati  – to engage atakovati – to attack bombardovati – to bomb debatovati – to debate demantovati – to deny (to confute) diskreditovati – to discredit formalizovati  -to formalize garantovati – to guarantee interesovati – to be interested in izolovati –  to isolate legalizovati – to legalize mobilizovati – to mobilize modernizovati – to […]

How to read and write

Montenegrin/ Serbian is an easy language to spell and pronounce. It follows phonetic principal — every letter represents only one sound. In Montenegrin/Serbian you ‘write as you speak and read as it is written’. There are two alphabets in use — Latin and Cyrillic. Both the Latin and the Cyrillic alphabets contain 30 letters to represent […]

The purpose of the website

The central purpose of the website is to teach practical language skills so that students feel confident to engage in daily life in Montenegro/Serbia, when ordering meals in restaurants, asking for directions, shopping, arranging appointments, understanding notices, travelling around the country, holding simple conversation; in short – to explain what they want and learn how […]

Survival phrases

    Replies To Questions Replies to questions Odgovori na pitanja Yes Da No Ne True Tačno Sure Sigurno Sure Naravno Certainly Svakako Alright U redu OK (informal) Važi I think so Mislim da je tako I know Znam I don’t know Ne znam Maybe Možda Perhaps Možda Probably Vjerovatno I’ll see Vidjeću That depends […]

Cases – short revision

  Nominative Noun or adjective used in nominative is used in its default form. This is the form found in dictionaries. sg. pl. M. -Ø: bulevar-Ø, momak-Ø -i: bulevar-i, momc-i F. -a: žen-a, devojk-a -e: žen-e, devojk-e N. -o/-e: pism-o, polj-e -a: pism-a, polj-a   We use nominative: 1. as the subject of the sentence, […]