Instrumental case

  The two main meanings indicated by the instrumental case are company and means or instrument with which an action is performed. It can also express time, place, additonal information and quality. Suffixes : sg. pl. m -om/-em: bulevar-om, momk-om Mark-om, Đorđ-em –ima: bulevar-ima, momc-ima f -om: žen-om, devojk-om –ama: žen-ama, devojk-ama -i/-ju: reč-i / reč-ju […]

Vocative case

  The vocative case is used for addressing or calling someone. It is often used together with the imperative form of verbs, or indirect speech. Suffixes : sg. pl. m -e/-u: gospodine, Jovane, prijatelju =Nom.: Marko, Đorđe =Nom.: prijatelji f -o/-e: devojko, gospođo, Zoro, drugarice, Milice =Nom.: Marina, Zorana =Nom.:devojke n =Nom.: ime =Nom.: imena […]

Accusative case

  The accusative case indicates the goal of a verbal action, thus, the direct object of a transitive verb. Besides this (along with various prepositions), the accusative expresses: time, place, direction of movement, purpose etc. Suffixes : sg. pl. m -Ø: bulevar-Ø (= Nom.) -e: bulevar-e, momk-e -a: momk-a, Mark-a, Đorđ-a (= Gen.) f -u: […]

Dative case

  The dative case can indicate an indirect object (purpose) and a direction of movement. Suffixes : sg. pl. m -u: bulevar-u, momk-u –ima: bulevar-ima, momc-ima -u: Mark-u, Đorđ-u f -i: žen-i, devojc-i –ama: žen-ama, devojk-ama -i: reč-i –ima: reč-ima n -u: pism-u, polj-u -u: ime-n-u –ima: pism-ima, polj-ima ime-n-ima In the dative singular for […]

Genitive case

  Genitive Genitive can be used with or without prepositions. Phrases in the genitive can express almost any meaning/relationship: possession, time, place, direction, quality, quantity etc. Suffixes : sg. pl. m -a: bulevar-a, momk-a -a: bulevara-a, momak-a -a: Mark-a, Đorđ-a f -e: žen-e, devojk-e -a: žen-a, devojak-a -i: reč-i -i: reč-i n -a: pism-a, polj-a […]

Nouns and cases/ Nominative case

Nouns and Nominative Nouns are parts of speech defined by three categories : – gender, – number, – case. Gender and number of nouns In the Montenegrin language, each noun can be masculine(m), feminine(n) or neuter(n) and most have forms for singular(sg) and plural(pl). Gender is indicated by the suffix in the nominative sg. case […]